Establishing Professional Relationships in Practicum Settings

From Section:
Teacher Education Programs
Aug. 25, 2009

This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 25,
number 6
, Author: Jenny L. Ferrier-Kerr, "Establishing Professional Relationships in Practicum Settings", Pages 790-797, Copyright Elsevier (August 2009)”.

The relationship between an associate teacher and student teacher is a crucial aspect of the practicum experience in pre-service teacher education.

Establishing a professional relationship is critical to the learning that occurs during the practicum and is an element that requires a professional approach by all parties.

This paper discusses a study which investigated the nature and substance of the professional relationship established between associate teachers and student teachers during a final block practicum.

The findings indicated that for the associate teacher and student teacher to establish and develop a successful professional relationship both must be active in it.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Attitudes of teachers | Practicum | Preservice teacher education | Student teacher attitudes | Student teachers | Supervisor supervisee relationship