Improving Learning in All-Day Schools: results of a new teaching time model

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Apr. 20, 2008

Source: European Educational Research Journal: Volume 7 Number 2, 2008, pages 232-242.



Following the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment for Germany, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research founded the capital investment program ‘Future Education and Care’ as a federal measure to support the expansion of all-day schooling in Germany. During this process it became obvious that learning and teaching in all-day schools had to take place within new time structures.


In this context, the Land of Bremen initiated a new teaching time model, which is, so far, unique in Germany. The results of empirical longitudinal accompanying research on the presence teaching time model indicate that pupils from low socio-economic backgrounds profited most from the new model. Further, teachers’ workload decreased and there was an increase in their cooperative behaviour.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
All-day schools | Attitudes of teachers | Models | Socioeconomic status | Teacher collaboration | Time management