Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills through WebQuests

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Oct. 30, 2009
Fall 2009

Source: Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, Volume 26, No. 1
(Fall 2009).

In this study, 32 teachers participated in a year-long professional development project related to technology integration in which they designed and implemented a WebQuest.

This article describes the extent to which higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and levels of technology implementation (LoTI) occur in the WebQuests that participants designed.

WebQuests provided teachers an opportunity to integrate technology into their teaching. However, most of the tasks in the WebQuests included lower-level thinking skills and low levels on the LoTI scale.

The authors also discuss implications related to the findings and ways to support teachers’ integration of technology.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Educational technology | Professional development | Teaching methods | Technology integration | Thinking skills